32                                   U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

    The mission of the reconnaissance platoons and Task Force Shepherd was
to provide the division a general outpost line, essentially an early warning
system, and assist in ! MEF deception operations. To improve the night vision
capability of the four companies, Lieutenant Colonel Myers attached a section
of LAV-ATs to each. The LAY-ATs brought with them the thermal sights and
firepower of their TOW missile launchers. Nevertheless, Lieutenant Colonel
Myers' concept of operations did not envision a static defense. He planned to
maneuver the four companies and use their TOW missiles and 25mm cannon,
in combination with air and artillery stipport, to delay the enemy long enough
for the division's main forces to arrive, or to "collapse the screenline" in such
a way as to channel the enemy attack into a kill zone.56
    Company D arrived in Saudi Arabia as part of the 7th MEB and had been
in the country since August 1990. Commanded by Captain Roger L. Pollard, the
company reported to Task Force Ripper when the 7th MEB merged with the 1st
Marine Division the following month. It had not served with Task Force
Shepherd until 28 January when General Myatt attached it to the task force in
an effort to strengthen the division's general outpost force while Myers shifted
Company B north to support an artillery raid near OP 6.~~
   The company moved to OP 4 on 29 Jarniary. After coordinating with the
reconnaissance platoon commander at the police station, Captain Pollard chose
an area  for establishing his  screenline (battle position) that was about four
kilometers northwest. He positioned his 13 LAV-25s, 7 LAV-ATs (tOWs) from

                                                Pastel by Sgt Charles G. Grow, USMC
                                Night jirefight.

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