28                                    U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991




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    11TH       MARINES             RAID      OPERATIONS
          Location of division artillery raids along the Saudi-Kuwaiti border.

killed and two wounded from an allied air attack along with an 8-inch self-
propelled howitzer.
    Other than Iraqi countert)attery fire in response to the raids there had been
little enemy activity along the border for several days when, on the evening of
29 January 1991, the Iraqis suddenly launched a multi-pronged attack which
enemy prisoners of war later said was aimed at breaking through the observation
post line, seizing Kibrit and Khafji, then driving south to take Mishab.S2
Initially, the only hint that   an offensive was developing came  from air
reconnaissance which noticed an armored buildup near the coastal highway.
Immediately, attention focused on Khafji. Yet, the first Iraqi attack hit the
Marines at Observation Post 4, known as OP 4. This attack alerted Marine
commanders that enemy forces were on the move in front of Marine positions.s3

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