
                                          Painting by Sgt Charles Ci. Grow, USMC
             LA V-25 ftom Task Force S1~epherd, February 1991.

at confusing Iraqis as to the position and intentions of allied forces. There were
12 combined arms artillery raids. The first raid took place on the night of 21-
22 January 1991 and was an attempt to silence an Iraqi MLRS battery positioned
near Khafji. Subsequent raids happened on 26 and 28 January, and on 1, 2, 4,
8, 9, 11, 19, 20, and 22 Febniary.49
   Each raid followed a similar format. Preparations generally began 24-48
hours prior to the raid with a raid force planning cell formed to develop
targeting and support requirements. Tile designated battalion next developed its
raid time line and coordinated with covering and security forces. Division
selected a target and requested air support while the raid force planned routes,
checkpoints, assembly areas, and tentative firing positions. On the day of the
raid, the raid force would depart in sufficient time for all elements to be in their
firing positions by nightfall. Once the raid commander declared "ready to fire,"
and the airborne forward air controllers and air support were on station, the
primary battery fired on the designated targets. Afterwards it withdrew under
covering fire from the support battery~ A remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) later
provided a battle damage assessment.
   While the raids damaged Iraqi forward positions, the division took casualties
as well. The raid on 26 January caused the deaths of three Task Force Shepherd
Marines in a vehicle accident.~t The 2 February raid resulted in one Marine

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