100                                 U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

12 February--The division begins its move to Al Khanjar, its final location prior
to the start of the ground campaign.

13  February--The division holds a  major sand-table exercise, including a
full-scale rehearsal of the 6th Marines' assault of the Iraqi defensive lines.

17 February--Reconnaissance teams move to insertion points along the berm.
The berm is inspected by 2d Marine Division officers; cut points and assembly
areas are selected.

18 February--Reconnaissance teams cross into Kuwait to conduct reconnaissance
of Iraqi minefields and obstacles and to identify any gaps and weaknesses.

19 February--The division completes its move to Al Khanjar.

20 February--The 2d Combat Engineer Battalion begins to make cuts through
the berm.

21  February--The 2d  LAl  Battalion begins screening the division's front,
forward to the berm, in Kuwait; the battalion draws the enemy's attention away
from the actual breach site.

22 February--The 2d Combat Engineer Battalion finishes the cuts through the
berm. The 3d Battalion, 23d Marines, moves into Kuwait to provide security for
artillery surveying parties.

23 February--Four of the division's artillery battalions move into Kuwait to
provide responsive fire support for the division's assault.

24 February--The 6th Marines, with attached combat engineers, assaults the Iraqi
defensive lines. Six breach lanes are successfully made through the minefields.
By the end of the day, most of the division's combat power has crossed through
the minefields, and is consolidated along Phase Line Red.

25 February--An Iraqi armored counterattack hits the right flank of the division,
but is defeated. The remainder of the division's units cross through the breach
lanes. The division assaults and secures its first objective, fighting through the
"Ice Cube" and the "Ice Tray."

26 February--Another counterattack is defeated on the division's right flank.
Iraqi units are reported to be withdrawing from Al Kuwait. The Tiger Brigade,
6th Marines, and 8th Marines attack to their final division objectives on the
outskirts of Al Jahrah and Al Kuwait.

27 February--Arab forces of the Joint Forces Command North pass along the
division's front and participate in the liberation of Al Kuwait. The division

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