
27 December--The division's forward CP makes its first displacement forward.


6 January--Brigadier General Russell L. Sutton joins the division as the assistant
division commander.

10 January--The 1st Brigade, 2d Armored Division (the Tiger Brigade)  reports
to the 2d Marine Division from ArCent.

12 January--Congress approves the President's use of military force against

14 January--The division forward CP arrives in the vicinity of Al Kibrit.

15 January--The U.N. deadline for the Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait passes.

16 January--U.S. and coalition forces launch air attacks against Iraqi positions
in Iraq and Kuwait.

17 January--The last of the division's units, the 2d Tank Battalion, completes its
offload of equipment at Al Jubayl and moves forward to join the division.

22 January--A major sand-table exercise is held for I MEF. At this exercise
Major General Keys and the division staff become concerned about the concept
of operations and begin to seek another site for the 2d Marine Division to
conduct a separate breach of the Iraqi defensive lines.

27 January--The 2d Marine Division conducts its first offensive operations with
an artillery raid against Iraqi positions.

29 January--Iraqi attacks are made at various points along the Kuwaiti border.
The 2d LAl Battalion is engaged along the area of the berm, close to the border,
within the division's zone. In this first direct engagement with the enemy,
Corporal Edmond Willis III of Company A destroys the first Iraqi tank for the
division. Elements of the  Tiger1  Brigade are moved forward to protect the
Direct Support Group.

30 January--Iraqi probes continue along the border. Elements of the 6th Marines
are moved to block any attacks in the division zone.

1 February--General Keys briefs General Boomer on the concept of separate
breaches by both the 1st and 2d Marine Divisions. General Boomer gives an oral
warning order to prepare the plan.

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