
Sylvester, U.S. Army,  "Actions of the 1st ~iger) Brigade, 2nd Armored
Division, during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm 10 Aug 90-1 Mar 91,"
undated after action report, hereafter 1-2AD AAR; Maj John R. Viviano,
undated after action report, hereafter Viviano rpt.

136. CG 2d MarDiv FragO 16-91, "to 2d MarDiv OPlan (Desert Storm)," dtd
137. Mroczkowski Jnl, 19Feb91.
138. 2d MarDiv SitRep #71, dtd 24Feb91.
139. Mroczkowski rec.
140. Ibid.
141. Asadoorian memo.
142. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0530) 24Feb91.
143. Sparks intvw.
144. Coleman Ipt.
145. Viviano Ipt.
146. Mroczkowski rec.
147. Swanstrom rpt.
148. Thid.
149. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Gunnery Sergeant Mark J. Culp.
150. Mroczkowski rec.
151. Ashley telcon.
152. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0724) 24Feb91.
153. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to First Lieutenant Phillip W. Chandler.
154. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0745) 24Feb91.
155. Keys intvw.
156. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0850) 24Feb91.
157. Milano telcon.
158. Richard intvw.
159. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Corporal George J.   Morgan; Summary of Action for the
Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze Star Medal to Lance Corporal
Gerald Randolph.
160. Winchester intvw.
161. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Sergeant William J. Warren.
162. 2d MarDiv, COC Jnl, (1020) 24Feb91.
163. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Gunnery Sergeant John D. Cornwell.
164. Livingston intvw.
165. 2d MarDiv, COC Jnl, (1250, 1410) 24Feb91; Mroczkowski rec.
166. Keys intvw.
167. Mroczkowski rec.
168. Richard intvw.

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