84                                U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990.1991

D. Cooke; Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the
Bronze Star Medal to Lance Corporal William E. Owens.
122. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0124) 22Feb91.
123. CG 2d MarDiv, FragO 16-91, "to 2d MarDiv OPlan (Desert Storm)", dtd
124. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (1140) 21Feb91.
125. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Capt Dennis M. Greene.
126. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, 21 to 23Feb91.
127. Holcomb intvw.
128. Ibid.
129. Palm intvw.
130. LtCol Mroczkowski, division historian, accompanied this group of officers
on this reconnaissance, and made the observations noted in this paragraph.
131. Swanstrom rpt; also Swanstrom percon.
132. CG 2d MarDiv, FragO 16-91, "to 2d MarDiv OPlan (Desert Storm)", dtd
133. Dawson intvw.
134. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, 22 and 23Feb91.
135. Summary of Action for the Recommendation for the Award of the Bronze
Star Medal to Capt Martin T. Wolf.

              into Kuwait: G Minus 1 through G Plus 1

    Unless otherwise indicated, the material in this section was derived from the
following sources: 2d Marine Division COC Watch Officer's Journal, hereafter
2d MarDiv COC Jnl; 2d Marine Division Situation Reports, hereafter 2d
MarDiv SitRep with number and date; Mroczkowski Jnl; LtCol Dennis P.
Mroczkowski battlefield voice recording made 23      - 27 Feb 91, hereafter
Mroczkowski rec; oral history interviews with LtCol Kevin A. Conry, 29Mar91,
LtCol Ray C. Dawson, 26Mar91, LtCol Bruce A. Gombar, 6Apr91, MajGen
William M. Keys, 16May91, Col Lawrence H. Livingston, 10Mar91, Col Leslie
M. Palm, 2Apr91, Col Ronald G. Richard, 8May91, Col Larry S. Schmidt,
28Mar91, and Maj Jack K.   Sparks, Jr., 10Mar91       (OralHistColl, MCHC,
Washington, D.C.), hereafter Conry intvw, Dawson intvw, Gombar intvw, Keys
intvw, Livingston intvw, Palm intvw, Richard intvw, Schmidt intvw, and Sparks
intvw; telephone conversations between the author and CWO3 Thomas C.
Ashley, 12Nov91, Col Roger C. McElraft, 6Jun91, LtCol Ottavio J. Milano,
7May92, and LtCol Mark E. Swanstrom, 20Jun91, hereafter Ashley telcon,
McElraft telcon, Milano telcon, and Swanstrom telcon; personal conversation
between the author and LtCol James R. Battaglini, 20May91, hereafter Battaglini
intvw; LtCol L. S. Asadoorian memorandum "Division Fire Plan for Offensive
Operations, 24Feb91," dtd 28Mar91, hereafter Asadoorian memo; Capt Alvester
T. Coleman, U.S. Army, "Psychological Operations in Support of the 2d Marine
Division," undated report, hereafter Coleman rpt; Swanstrom rpt; Col John B.

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