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File: aabwk_01.txt
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        Page 9                                     8 Sep 90 - 2000 hrs
       ****NOTE:   No A/E message was received today it:  is repeated there is an 18
       hour delay in AO message traffic****
        -   Aeromedical Evacuation (Source USC USCENTAF DEPLOYED/AECC
            message, 051730Z Sep 90)
          -- Tactical Evac last 24-hour period 0 litter, 0 ambulatory
          -- Strategic Evac last 24-hour period 0 litter' 0 ambulatory
          -- Cumulative Tactical Evac 19 litter, 49 ambulatory
          -- Cumulative Strategic Evac 31 litter,  68 ambulatory
          -- Awaiting tactical evac 12 litter, 17 ambulatory
          -- Awaiting strategic evac 17 litter, 18 ambulatory
        -   Aeromedical Evacuation (Source 2 AES Rhein Main AB/SGOO
            message, 070001Z Sep

          -- TacticaI Evac last 24-hour period: 0 litter, 0 ambulatory
          - Strategic Evac last 24-hour period 0 litter, 0 ambulatory
          -- Cumulative Tactical Evac 0 litter, 1 ambulatory
          -- Cumulative Strategic Evac 7 litter, 5 ambulatory
          -- Awaiting tactical evac 21 litter, 5 ambulatory
          -- Awaiting strategic evac 25 litter, 6 ambulatory
       -   AFDPRC/PR message 071]22Z Sep 90 discusses information and
       procurement instructions for the chemical warfare overshoe and is
       attached to this report, (Source as noted above)
      -    USCINCCENT/CCSG message 071819Z Sep 90 discusses its
       acceptance, in principle, the EUCOM concept for medical support for
       Operation Desert Shield and is attached to this report, (Source as
       noted above)
       - (U) ASBPO message 071700Z Sep 90 to USA/USN requests 90 day augmentation
       for the ASWBPL by 1 OCT 90 Air Force has already provided three augmentation
       personnel, (Source 85 noted above)
       -    A USCENTAF message 071345Z Sep 90 addresses a CENTAF initiative which
       changes the AF WMP-1 Annex S policy by directing that Services personnel
       launder all medical and organizational requirements using tactical field
       laundries (TFLs).   Personal laundry would be accomplished by the individual
       .using commercial type washers/dryers, The Army recently requested 50 of the
       AF TLFs to support their medical/personal laundry shortfall requirements.
       They seek approval from USCENTAF FWD to initiate procurement actions.
       (Source: as noted above)         .



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