Pine A. GIs in Gulf War may have been exposed to toxins. Los Angeles Times. June 22, 1996: A1, A10.
Navy Times. Army doc says chemicals detected. Navy Times. May 13, 1996.
Adams JR. Russia's toxic threat. The Wall Street Journal. April 30, 1996.
New York Times. Study of 19,000 finds no Gulf War Syndrome." New York Times. April 4, 1996.
Raloff J. Pesticides may challenge human immunity. Science News. 1996;149:149.
Nelson SS. Suffering vets will get answers - eventualls. Navy Times. February 26, 1996.
Nelson SS. Were troops exposed to chemical agents? Navy Times. February 26, 1996.
McGrew D. Now the syndrome' is in our mind. Navy Times. February 26, 1996; page 54.
San Diego Union-Tribune. Gulf war illness probe to resume. San Diego Union-Tribune. February 15, 1996.
Nicolson GL. Gulf War illness: a bacterial infection. The Washington Post. January 23, 1996. Letter.
Brown D. Gulf veterans' fatal illness rate called average. The Washington Post. January 10, 1996.
Nelson SS. Antidote pills suspect in Gulf illnesses. Navy Times. January 8, 1996.
Nelson SS. Evading Gulf mistakes in Bosnia. Navy Times. January 8, 1996.
Nelson SS. New research may shed light on source of Gulf War illness. Army Times. January 8, 1996.
Mystery Gulf War ailments probed. The San Diego Union-Tribune. December 6, 1995: B-1.
Researchers don't find mystery illness in vets. Navy Times. November 13, 1995.
Gulf vets' illness still a mystery. The San Diego Union-Tribune. November 2, 1995: B1.
Pentagon to study Gulf illness link to bombings. Army Times. October 30, 1995: 2.
DoD investigators take another look at troops' exposure during Gulf war. Navy Times. October 30, 1995.
Research on "Gulf War syndrome." Washington Jewish Week. October 26, 1995: 2.
New theory on "Gulf War syndrome." The Washington Times. October 1, 1995: D8.
Iraq biowarfare tried on animals. The San Diego Union-Tribune. September 27, 1995.
Ailing Gulf vets may face deadline. Army Times. September 18, 1995.
Gulf War vet wins medical retirement. Army Times. September 18, 1995.
Gulf vets are ailing-but why? Jackson Citizen Patriot. September 15, 1995.
Baghdad's dirty secrets. US News and World Report. September 11, 1995.
Family blames Gulf War for birth defects. Army Times. September 4, 1995: 18.
Controversy dogs presidential panel's work. Army Times. September 4, 1995.
Ailing Gulf War vets getting sick of delays. Phoenix Gazette. August 30, 1995.
U.N. says Iraqis prepared germ weapons in Gulf War. The Washington Post. August 26, 1995: A1.
Gulf vets deserve better than brushoff from brass. USA Today. August 17, 1995: 10.
No "syndrome" exists. USA Today. August 17, 1995: 10.
First Lady urges study of ailments of Gulf War. The New York Times. August 15, 1995: A12.
Medical experts fault Pentagon for rejecting Gulf War syndrome. The San Diego Union-Tribune. August 15, 1995.
New York airports on alert for possible terrorist attack. The San Diego Union-Tribune. August 15, 1995.
Experts question Defense denial; Gulf War illness to be restudied. The Washington Post. August 15, 1995.
Pentagon disputed on Gulf War illness. Washington Times. August 15, 1995.
Gulf War papers, coming soon to computer. Navy Times. August 7, 1995: 8.
Pentagon study finds no Gulf War malady claimed by veterans, relatives. Baltimore Sun. August 2, 1995: 12.
Government study of veterans finds no evidence of a "Gulf War Disease". The Los Angeles Times. August 2, 1995.
Study finds no evidence of Gulf War illness. The New York Times. August 2, 1995: 18.
Pentagon research finds no mystery Gulf War disease. Philadelphia Inquirer. August 2, 1995: 11.
Gulf War syndrome: No mystery malady. USA Today. August 2, 1995.
For the record: From remarks by Dr. Stephen Joseph, an assistant secretary of defense, on the "Gulf War syndrome" at a Pentagon news briefing yesterday. The Washington Post. August 2, 1995: 24.
Pentagon says there is no Gulf disease. Washington Times. August 2, 1995.
Gulf War syndrome. Maine Sunday Telegram. July 9, 1995.
Iraq had program for germ warfare. The Washington Post. July 6, 1995: A1.
Government lying to vets about Gulf War syndrome. Spotlight. July 3, 1995: 12-13.
Panel probes Gulf syndrome effort. Army Times. June 19, 1995.
Indiana's reservists still sick, unhappy. Army Times. June 19, 1995: 23.
Gulf ills spur new studies. Army Times. June 19, 1995.
Gulf vets have more ailments, study finds. The Washington Post. June 16, 1995.
Gulf veterans susceptible to ailments. The Washington Times. June 16, 1995.
Gulf illnesses still a mystery. Potomac News. June 13, 1995: A1.
Gulf vets' claims stymied. Army Times. June 5, 1995.
Panel created to probe Gulf illnesses. Washington Times. May 27, 1995.
Compensation slow, uncertain for Gulf vets. Navy Times. May 15, 1995: 18.
Gulf vets: sick and tired. Navy Times. May 8, 1995: 10.
Falling through the cracks. Army Times. May 8, 1995.
Appeals court hears Gulf War desertion cases. Army Times. May 8, 1995.
Release speeded on Gulf War papers. Navy Times. May 1, 1995.
Secrecy to lift for Gulf War's ill vets. Army Times. May 1, 1995.
The new 5th fleet. Navy Times. May 1, 1995.
A hidden enemy strikes. The Star-Ledger. April 29, 1995.
Vets urged to seek testing for Persian Gulf syndrome. April 29, 1995.
"Gulf War syndrome" a new bombing angle. The Washington Times. April 29, 1995.
FBI checks file on McVeigh: exam here keyed on Gulf syndrome. The Buffalo News. April 28, 1995.
Two Gulf War veterans given disability checks. The San Diego Union-Tribune. April 27, 1995.
Gulf War sickness. USA Today. April 26, 1995.
CIA reviewing data on Gulf War illness. The Washington Times. April 26, 1995.
Combining chemicals may be link to Gulf ills. Army Times. April 24, 1995.
Insecticides may cause Gulf illness. USA Today. April 10, 1995.
Gulf syndrome theory points to chemical mix. The Washington Post. April 10, 1995.
Pills may be culprits in Gulf War sickness. The Washington Times. April 10, 1995.
"Phenomenon" not prevalent in Gulf vets. US Medicine. April 1995.
President clinton announces new initiatives to respond to illnesses of Persian Gulf War veterans. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 1.
VA opens toll-free Persian Gulf helpline: 1-800-PGW-VETS. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 2.
VA publishes regulations to compensate Persian Gulf Veterans with unexplained illnesses. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 3.
VA briefs First Lady on Persian Gulf issues. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 3.
IOM committee releases initial findings, recommendations. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 4.
Coordinating board responds to IOM recommendations. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 4.
Senate committee releases staff report on health risks of secret military research and other intentional exposures. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 6.
Persian Gulf War claims statistics - as of January 31, 1995. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 6.
VA publishes regulations on chronic fatigue syndrome. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 7.
Where to get help. Persian Gulf Review. 1995;3(2): 7.
Hunt for Gulf syndrome bashed. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
"One-issue group" sets goal. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
Sick Gulf vets take issue with nomination of Deutch to CIA. Army Times. March 27, 1995.
Groups unite over Desert Storm illness. Navy Times. March 27, 1995: 16.
Ailing vets oppose Deutch as CIA head. Navy Times. March 27, 1995: 16.
Pick up pace of Gulf war research, lawmakers say. Navy Times. March 27, 1995: 17.
Study bolsters Gulf war veterans' claims. USA Today. March 10, 1995: 3A.
Veterans cuts attacked. Baltimore Sun. March 7, 1995.
Clinton to create a panel to look into Gulf War illnesses. The New York Times. March 7, 1995: A14.
Clinton attacks GOP on health care for vets. The Philadelphia Inquirer. March 7, 1995.
Clinton creates Gulf War syndrome panel. The San Diego Union-Tribune. March 7, 1995: A6.
Clinton vows research push on Gulf illness. USA Today. March 7, 1995: 1.
Clinton woos lukewarm veterans. The Washington Post. March 7, 1995: A7.
Clinton vows aid for sick Gulf vets. The Washington Times. March 7, 1995.
Gulf War syndrome researchers now focusing on human reproduction. The Stars and Stripes. 1995;118(10): 2.
Gulf vets report painful sex symptom. The San Jose Mercury News. March 5, 1995.
GIs ill-prepared for the detection of chemical arms. USA Today. March 2, 1995.
Painful sex joins Gulf syndrome symptoms. The Oregonian. March 1, 1995.
Pentagon accused of withholding evidence of Gulf war chemical use. Hartford Courant. February 20, 1995.
The "Gulf War syndrome": is it real or imagined? The San Diego Union-Tribune. February 5, 1995: G3. Opinion.
Jury still out on Gulf syndrome. Science. 1995;267:170.
Call for more coordination of Gulf War syndrome research. Science. 1995;267:170.
Sick veterans may get relief. Army Times. January 9, 1995.
Gulf War syndrome: preliminary clinical evaluation inconclusive for Gulf veterans. The Pentagram. January 6, 1995; 42(1)
Gulf War syndrome research attacked. The San Diego Union-Tribune. January 5, 1995: A8.
Gore urged to coordinate Gulf war illness research. The San Jose Mercury News. January 5, 1995: 7A.
Desert Storm illness stumps medics. Army Times. December 26, 1994.
Pentagon says single cause of Gulf War illnesses unlikely. Fayetteville Observer - Times. December 14, 1994.
Pentagon: no single Gulf illness cause. USA Today. December 14, 1994.
Gulf War syndrome study pinpoints no single cause. The Washington Post. December 14, 1994.
15% of sick Gulf veterans suffer unexplainable maladies. The Washington Times. December 14, 1994.
Numbers swamping study of sick Gulf vets. Birmingham News. December 13, 1994:8A.
Exhaustion without end. The San Diego Union-Tribune. December 7, 1994: E1.
Looking for answers. The Birmingham News. December 6, 1994.
Gulf War vets may be sick, but they're not contagious. The Birmingham News. December 5, 1995.
VA official says there is Persian Gulf syndrome. Potomac News. December 2, 1994.
Ill vets no threat, VA doctor says. The Birmingham News. December 1, 1994.
Gulf War sickness. USA Today. December 1, 1994.
Mothers search for answers. Charlotte Observer. November 28, 1994.
Most sick Gulf vets show no link to war. Navy Times. November 28, 1994.
Gulf War' toxic truth. The Plain Dealer. November 27, 1994.
Perot targets Gulf War vets. The Huntsville Times. November 15, 1994: B4.
Perot organizes medical study of Gulf War veterans' illness. The Huntsville Times. November 14, 1994.
"Gulf War syndrome" may afflict babies. The San Jose Mercury News. November 14, 1994: 1A.
SC council OKs ban on Gulf vet blood donations. Sentinel. October 26, 1994: A-3.
Zeroing in on Gulf syndrome. The Virginian-Pilot and the Ledger-Star. October 19, 1994: B-1.
Covering up a mystery ailment. St. Louis Post Dispatch. October 11, 1994. Commentary.
Casualties of war. The New York Times. October 5, 1994: 23.
Gulf War syndrome, drug may be linked. Hartford Courant. September 7, 1994.
Tests on Gulf vets support claims but offer no answers. Navy Times. August 15, 1994: 25.
Gulf troops lacked protection from toxins. USA Today. August 5, 1994: 1A
A family's painful story: offspring pay the price. USA Today. August 5, 1994.
Gulf illness studies seen wasting funds. US Medicine. 1994;30(15-16): 1.
DoD to begin active-duty enrollment. US Medicine. 1994;30(15-16): 1.
Disease and the Gulf War. The Washington Post. July 30, 1994: A16.
Testing for Gulf war illnesses is a waste, panel says. Navy Times. July 25, 1994: 25.
Triumphant in the desert, stricken at home. The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: A1.
In Iraq, "Every day worse than the day before". The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: A1.
The search for causes. The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: Section A.
Compassion may take act of Congress. The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: A1.
Studies will frame a picture of Gulf Veterans' problems. The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: Section A.
Colonel loses ground to a faceless enemy. The Washington Post. July 25, 1994: A1.
SD research center plans new study of Gulf War veterans. The Compass. July 15, 1994: A-7.
Ailing Gulf vets get a stronger voice. Navy Times. June 13, 1994: 16.
DoD opens its files to close a case. Navy Times. July 4, 1994: 10.
Hotline for sick vets. Navy Times. July 4, 1994: 10.
Somalia vets get usual exam. Navy Times. July 4, 1994: 10.
No involuntary outs for sick Gulf vets. Navy Times. July 4, 1994: 10.
Iraq rockets bathed US troops in chemicals, senator reports. The Los Angeles Times. May 25, 1994.
Texas testing on desert sick. Navy Times. May 23, 1994: 6.
Illness inquiry bungled, says NIH panel. The Birmingham Post-Herald. April 30, 1994.
Why are we sick? Army Times. April 25, 1994: 12-23.
The check is in the mail. Reader. March 24, 1994.
Ailing veterans vs. the VA. USA Today. December 14, 1993:2A.
Sick and tired: a Gulf War legacy. Columbus Dispatch. November 29, 1993: C.
Toxic battlefield. Gazette Telegraph (Colorado Springs, CO). November 14, 1993.
Survey of Gulf vets' ills surprises VA. Birmingham News. September 19, 1993.
Gulf War vet takes claim to Washington. Terre Haute, IN Tribune Star. August 16, 1993.
Facing Persian Gulf syndrome. Philadelphia Inquirer. July 7, 1993.
Ill vets suspect chemical weapons. Birmingham News. June 27, 1993.
Gulf War hits home, painfully. Army Times. June 21, 1993.
Guard soldiers fight illness. The (Lakeland , FL) Ledger. June 6, 1993.
Officials: fill in paperwork for illness. Lakeland Ledger. June 6, 1993.
In search of a cause. Navy Times. April 12, 1993: 22.
Radiation may be root of Gulf ills. Navy Times. March 29, 1993: 2.
Vets ills may be tied to weapons. Boston Herald. March 18, 1993.
Pentagon warns troops about uranium. Milwaukee Journal. January 26, 1993.
Persian Gulf medical registry. Navy Times. January 18, 1993.
Desert Storm illnesses. Birmingham News. Special Edition 1993.
Medical experts check out sick Gulf vets. Navy Times. November 23, 1992.
Baffling illnesses can't be "written off as stress." Navy Times. October 5, 1992.
Sick Gulf vets demand care for mystery illness. Navy Times. October 5, 1992: 21.
Doctors: oil fires, illnesses not linked. Navy Times. September 28, 1992: 10.
Desert sickness mystery solved. Navy Times. May 25, 1992.
Act now on Gulf war-related medical claims. Navy Times. April 13, 1992.
Researchers find few post-war mental problems. Navy Times. September 30, 1991.
Nelson J. U.S. bombs Baghdad: allied jets raid targets across Iraq. January 17, 1991: A1.
Gerstenzang J. Had "no choice" other than war, Bush says. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991: A1.
Kempster N, Wright R. U.S. stakes hopes on quick end. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991: A1.
Malnic E, Rosenstiel TB. World hears war begin live from Baghdad. Los Angeles Times. January 17, 1991: A1.
Tuohy W, Nelson J. Iraqi missiles strike Israel: massive air attacks by allies continuing. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991: A1.
Fritz S, Vartabedian R. High-tech warfare-a new era. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Pilots relive 1st combat: "most scary thing..." Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991: A1.
Broder JM. Allied raids achieve 2 goals but miss scuds. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991: A1.
Goldberg C. Israelis awaken to harsh impact of Iraqi missiles. Los Angeles Times. January 18, 1991: A1.
Goldberg C, Murphy K. More Iraqi missiles hit Israel: allied jets pound targets at Sortie - a minute pace. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Miller AC. Tensions high for U.S. Jews. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Lauter D, Tumulty K. Hunt for mobile launchers seen as most difficult. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Kennedy JM. U.S. rushes defenses to Israel: American troops to operate two patriot batteries. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Dolan M. War affects ecology - but how? Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Abramson R, Healy M. U.S. jets now aiming at dug-in Iraq soldiers. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Ground combat flares between U.S. and Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 19, 1991: A1.
Chen E, Stewart RW. Held in the grip of the enemy. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Lauter D. Iraq displays American POWs: 9 scud missiles aimed at Saudi Arabia shot down. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Frantz D. Scud attack on Saudis is thwarted, U.S. says. Los Angeles Times. January 21, 1991: A1.
Fineman M, Gerstenzang J. POWs to be shields, Iraq says. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991: A1.
Healy M. High-tech missile hits bull's-eye. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Daring raid rescues U.S. pilot in Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991: A1.
Ostrow RJ, Wright R. Israel lacked U.S. codes to protect its jets. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991: A1.
McManus D. U.S. may add removal of Hussein to its war goals. Los Angeles Times. January 22, 1991: A1.
Williams D, Goldberg C. Missile strikes Tel Aviv; 3 die. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. Refugees carry tales of terror from Baghdad. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991: A1.
Goldberg C, Williams D. Images of chaos, pain, surprise amid the debris. Los Angeles Times. January 23, 1991: A1.
Healy M. Iraq defeat certain, U.S. says. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991: A1.
Williams D. Scud downing fails to blunt Israelis' anger. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991: A1.
Drogin B, Ostrow RJ. Signs of Iraqi-trained terror network found. Los Angeles Times. January 24, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Murphy K. French in 1st Iraq air strike; allied planes to step up attack. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Saudi pilot downs 2 Iraqi jets over the Gulf. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991: A1.
Williams NB Jr. Syria stalls Iraqi bid to widen war. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991: A1.
Lamb D. New breed of warriors-women-closer to front. Los Angeles Times. January 25, 1991: A1.
Broder JM, Dolan M. Iraq unleashing oil into Gulf: 11 missiles fired at Tel Aviv, Saudi Arabia; 2 killed. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991: A1.
Dye L, Fineman M. Decade of digging aids Iraq. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991: A1.
Williams D, Kennedy JM. Patriots shoot down 6 of 7 scuds over Israel. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Broder JM. Key US goal: route of elite Iraqi troops. Los Angeles Times. January 26, 1991: A1.
Murphy K, Wallace CP. Nations rally to curb oil spill: Iraqi warplanes land in Iran; 5 scuds intercepted. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991: A1.
Hager P. Obeying the rules of warfare. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991: A1.
Mann J. Iran"s nuclear plans worry US officials. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991: A1.
Williams NB Jr, Broder JM. US says Tehran will hold the Iraqi aircraft. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991: A1.
Wilkinson T. Psychological impact of war affects home front. Los Angeles Times. January 27, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Pipelines bombed to halt spill: no need to rush into ground conflict, Cheney says. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991: A1.
Miller AC, Corwin M. This war stirs pains of the last. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991: A1.
Healy M. Schwarzkopf says political reins add risks. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. What's next on Hussein's war agenda? Just listen. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991: A1.
Dolan M, Balzar J. Environmentalists' worst predictions coming true. Los Angeles Times. January 28, 1991: A1.
Count tops 80 as more Iraqi planes fly to shelter in Iran. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Lamb D, Balzar J. Dhahran adapts to wartime. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Broder JM, Wright R. Experts "dumbstruck" by Iraqi planes in Iran. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. Hussein issues boasts, threats in TV interview. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. Anguished refugees from Iraq pouring into Jordan. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. U.S. bombing appears to halt Gulf oil spill. Los Angeles Times. January 29, 1991: A1.
Gerstenzang J. "We will succeed," Bush says: U.S. softens terms for an Iraqi pullout to stop war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Lauter D, McManus D. "Unequivocal" pledge by Hussein is needed. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Wright R. Marines pound Iraqi bunkers, lookout posts. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Tumulty K, Ostrow RJ. Smuggling into Iraq continues despite war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Balzar J, Frantz D. Saudi truck stop an oasis for Gis on the road to war. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. Allies battle for Saudi town: Enemy air force no longer a factor: Schwarzkopf. Los Angeles Times. January 30, 1991: A1.
Williams D, Goldberg C. Direct hit on psyche of Israel. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. General gives detailed, upbeat review of war. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991: A1.
McManus D, Wright R. U.S. denies it's easing terms for ending war. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Broder JM. Allies control air; picture on land is unclear. Los Angeles Times. January 31, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Broder JM. Allies drive Iraqis from Saudi town and take 167 prisoners. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991: A1.
Warren J. Stealth jet: tiny town flies high. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991: A1.
Chen E. Kuwait city steels itself for big battle. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991: A1.
Tessler R, Gorman T. Grieving begins for Marines killed in Gulf. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991: A1.
Balzar J. Troops caught behind lines, spy on enemy. Los Angeles Times. February 1, 1991: A1.
Broder JM, Kennedy JM. U.S. planes pummel Iraqis along border. Los Angeles Times. February 2, 1991: A1.
Freed D. Boning up on Iraq's way of war. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991: A1.
Broder JM, Healy M. Allied ground push in 20 days foreseen. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Murphy K. Allies pound Iraqis; 2 U.S. planes downed. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. B-52 goes down in ocean; 6 dead in copter crashes. Los Angeles Times. February 4, 1991: A1.
Rosenstiel TB. Allies, Iraqis trading shots in image war. Los Angeles Times. February 4, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. New strategy may bring end to scud threat. Los Angeles Times. February 4, 1991: A1.
Lauter D. High-tech war hopes overdrawn. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. Iraqis shelter troops, jets in civilian areas. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. Refugees from Iraq describe hellish scenes. Los Angeles Times. February 5, 1991: A1.
Nelson J. Land war timing up to military, Bush says. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM. Allies pour it on in Iraq and Kuwait. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Fineman M. Iraq cuts off fuel sales to its people. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Mann J. Bush"s signal: Iraqis should oust Hussein. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Stewart RW. It's high tide for the Marines. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Lamb D. Fiercest air assault ever being planned. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Vartabedian R. U.S. risking its hard-won stealth secrets in Gulf War. Los Angeles Times. February 6, 1991: A1.
Kempster N. U.S., allies might help Iraq rebuild after war, Baker says. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991: A1.
Frantz D. Gis ambush nighttime Iraqi probes. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Murphy K. U.S. jets down 2 Iraqi planes fleeing to Iran. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991: A1.
Murphy K. Iraq army units under strength, POWs report. Los Angeles Times. February 7, 1991: A1.
Mann J, Rosenstiel TB. War news: blinding effect? Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991: A1.
Healy M, Balzar J. Cheney hints at an early ground war. Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991: A1.
Broder JM. "Dumb" bombs cause heavy damage in Basra. Los Angeles Times. February 8, 1991: A1.
Kennedy JM, Healy M. Allies press air war, report 600 tank kills. Los Angeles Times. February 9, 1991: A1.
Lamb D. Allies hope to exploit Iraqi lack of mobility. Los Angeles Times. February 9, 1991: A1.
The line in the sand: the fate of Kuwait and beyond. Los Angeles Times. December 25, 1990:T1.