McKenna K. The curse of Desert Storm. Playboy. March 1996: 60,62,64,138-140.
Briggs J. The tiny victims of Desert Storm. Life. November 1995: 46-61.
Plagues in the making: Saddam's germ-warfare program was worse than anyone suspected. Newsweek. October 9, 1995: 50-51.
Iraqis admit to broad, virulent germ war plan. Early Bird Current News. September 6, 1995.
Haines R. Gulf War syndrome. National Guard Magazine. September 1995.
Gulf vets have more ailments, study finds. Reuter News Svc. June 15, 1995.
After four years, little progress on Gulf War syndrome. Gannett. June 9, 1995.
What Gulf War syndrome? The American Spectator. May 1995: 28-34.
The Gulf War comes home. The Progressive. March 1995: 30-33.
An enemy within. People Magazine. January 30, 1995;43:32-37.
A lingering sickness. The Nation. January 23, 1995.
Casualties on the home front. Orlando Sentinal Magazine. January 15, 1995.
Sick soldiers. MacLean's. 1995;43:32-37.
The families who are dying for our country. Redbook. September 1994:114-117.
Desert Storm's medical quandary: do Iraqi chemical and biological agents explain GWS? Science News. June 18, 1994:394-395.
What's wrong with our children? Ladies Home Journal. June 1994:100-101.
Tracking the second storm. Newsweek. May 16, 1994:56-57.
Walking wounded. Esquire. May 1994:70-75.
Dying for their country. Gentleman's Quarterly. May 1994:146-153.
Mal de guerre. The Nation. March 7, 1994:292-293.
Gulf War syndrome: the unseen enemy lingers. VFW Magazine. March 1994:24.
Gulf War syndrome research boosted. Science News. 1994;146:252.
The Gulf gas mystery. Time. November 22, 1993:43.
Mystery illness and the Gulf War. MacLean's. August 23, 1993.
Persian Gulf veterans. DAV Magazine. July 1993:6.