16                                  U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

    The impact of the decision to have CentCom prepare for a "broader range
of military options" made additional forces necessary.2' For I MEF that meant
the expansion of the aviation combat element and the combat service Support
element by a large portion of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing and the 2d Force
Service Support Group, respectively. The 2d Marine Division was to come in
as a separate maneuver unit of the ground combat element. On 25 November
General Boomer made significant changes to the disposition of I MEF's ground
forces. He wanted the 2d Marine Division to be ushered directly into its sector
and get organized there rather than at the port of Jubayl. To accommodate the
2d Marine Division, General Boomer intended to expand MarCent's zone as far
north as possible and move the 1st Marine Division into the zone's northernmost
sector. The 7th Armored Brigade would occupy a central sector south of the 1st
Marine Division and the 2d Marine Division would occupy a southern sector
near adjacent port and air facilities.2s
    The I MEF began receiving reinforcements in the form of the 2d Division
and a substantial portion of remaining Marine ground combat units not already
at sea with the 4th and 5th MEBs. The 7th Armored Brigade became part of an
expanded British force, the 1st Armored Division.29  On 20 December General
Boomer outlined an essentially defensive plan to cover the buildup period. While
all units were to prepare for offensive operations, for the time being General
Boomer envisioned a mobile defense with the 1st Marine Division stationed in
the northern sector as a covering force,  1st Armored Division as a mobile
maneuver element, and the 2d Marine Division in reserve. The pOint of main
effort (unit to orient all suppOrt and tactical movements to assist) was initially
the 1st Marine Division but was on order to shift to the 1st Armored Division.30
    To accomplish the I MEF plan, Colonel Fulks and the G-3 staff developed
Frag Order 20-90 to 1st Marine Division Operations Order 2-90. Published on
29 December, the order envisioned the addition of the 1st Marines as the
division's second mechanized task force and the 4th Marines as an infiltration
force. Colonel Fulks wanted reconnaissance teams patrolling along the division's
northern zone to identify the locations of allied forces. The light armored
infantry battalion (Task Force Shepherd) would continue to cover the division's
front, while the 3d Marines would take up positions near Al Mishab as the
heliborne force.  Colonel Fuiks wanted the two mechanized task forces to
establish defenses in depth within their respective sectors.31
    Unfortunately, on 10 January 1990, I MEF lost the 7th Armored Brigade in
the reconfiguration by CentCom that accompanied the changed allied posture.
General Schwarzkopf compensated I MEF for the loss of the British brigade
with the Army's 1st Brigade ("Tiger Brigade"), 2d Armored Division, which
General Boomer attached to the 2d Marine Division. On 31 December 1990, the
1st Battalion, 6th Marines, was also detached from the 1st Marine Division and
returned to the 2d Marine Division. The 1st Marine Division, however, gained
another infantry regiment and two artillery battalions. Most of the units were not
scheduled to arrive until after 1 January 199 ~ 32   The reorganization of the
division at the start of the new year was:

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