12                                U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSiAN GULF, 1990-1991

Headquarters, 1st Marine Division
Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division

    Headquarters, 3d Marines
    1st Battalion, 3d Marines
    3d Battalion, 3d Marines

    Headquarters, 7th Marines
    1st Battalion, 7th Marines
    2d Battalion, 7th Marines
    1st Battalion, 5th Marines
    3d Battalion, 9th Marines
    3d Tank Battalion
    3d Assault Amphibian Battalion
    1st Combat Engineer Battalion
    3d Battalion, 11th Marines

Task Force Shepherd
    H&S Company, 1st Light Armored Infantry Battalion
    2 companies, 1st Light Armored Infantry Battalion
    2 companies, 3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion

11th Marines
    5th Battalion, 11th Marines
    1st Battalion, 12th Marines

1st Tank Battalion
1st Reconnaissance Battalion

    Within a week, the organization and tactical deployment of the division
changed as General Myatt and his Assistant Chief of Staff, G-3, Colonel James
A. Fulks, reacted to the completion of the 3d Marines' assembly. By mid-
September, General Myatt felt comfortable enough with the buildtip of forces to
expand on the concept of operations for executing Division Op Order 2-90. In
1st Marine Division Frag Order 10-90 published on 11 September, the mission
reflected the full capabilities of a division. General Boomer wanted the division
to deploy forces to the north in defensive sectors. Those units were to protect
Jubayl by disrupting, delaying, and destroying an attacking Iraqi force.
    General Myatt envisioned accomplishing the mission by using Task Force
Shepherd to screen the division's front from Safaniyah to a point about 60 miles
west. Within the division's battle area, General Myatt wanted to establish a
combined arms  task force formed around a mechanized infantry battalion. A

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