106                              U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULP, 1990-1991

 Headquarters Battalion, 2, 6, 12, 36, 51, 57-58, 60, 71
 Headquarters Battalion Military Police Company, 41
 Headquarters Company, 8th Tank Battalion, 27
 I Marine Expeditionary Force, 1, 6, 8, 11,15, 24-25, 55, 61, 70-71, 74
 II Marine Expeditionary Force, 3, 5, 6, 16
 Marine Corps Research and Development Command, 15
 Southwest Asia Training Group, 5, 71
 Task Force Breach Alpha, 15, 26, 44, 47
 Task Force Shepherd, 21
 Task Force Troy, 14
 Task Force Vega, 51
Mazarra, LtCol Andrew F., 12
McElraft, Col Roger C., 3, 6, 57-58
McKenzie, LtCol Scott W., 31
Michaud, LtCol John R., 71
Morgan, Cpl George J., 46
Mundy, LtGen Carl E., Jr., 6
Muth, LtCol John W. II!, 12-13
Mutlaa Ridge, 61, 64-65
Myatt, MajGen James M., 24

National Victory Parade, 73
Noland, LCpl William B., 34

Observation Post 2, 21
Observation Post 4, 21
Observation Post 6, 21
Owens, LCpl William E., 33

Paxton, CWO-2 Charles D., 55-56

Randolph, LCpl Gerald, 46
Richard, Col Ronald G., 3, 21, 25-26, 46, 55

Saddam Hussein, 1
Schmidt, Col Larry 5., 54
Schwarzkopf, Gen H. Norman, USA, 8, 39, 77
Shores, LtCol Howard P. II, 24-25, 28, 37, 41
Sutton, BGen Russell L., 30, 75
Swanstrom, LtCol Mark E., 27-28, 36
Sylvester, Col John B., USA, 57, 64

Thunderbolt Range, 15
Trainor, LtGen Bernard E., 18
Tystadt, LtCol Donald, USA, 64-65

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