96                                 U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

MOPP--Mission Oriented Protective Posture. Protective equipment for chemical
attack consists of a suit made of charcoal-activated cloth, overboots, gloves, and
a gas mask with hood. There are four MOPP levels, depending upon the threat
of a chemical attack, and each prescribes which items are to be worn. Level 1
consists of wearing the suit (trousers and jacket) and carrying the boots, gloves,
and mask with hood. Level 2 adds the overboots to be worn, with the gloves
and mask with hood still carried. At level 3 the mask with hood is worn. Level
4 requires the wearing of the entire outfit, including the gloves.

MPS--Maritime Prepositioning Squadron. A Marine Corps concept under which
ships have been preloaded with combat equipment and supplies and then forward
deployed. There are three squadrons of such ships, each squadron being capable
of providing enough supplies for a MEB to sustain itself for 30 days.

MULE--Modular Universal Laser Equipment. A man-portable target designator
and rangefinder, often used by forward observer and reconnaissance teams.

NBC--Nuclear, Biological and Chemical. A term used to refer collectively to
such weapons and agents, and to protective measures.

PL--Phase Line.    A  control measure, used to coordinate the advance or
movement of subordinate units.

PLRS--Position Location Reporting System. This UHF radio network~provides
precise position locations of subordinate units. The system consists of a master
unit with a visual display, and user units which can be manpacked or mounted
in vehicles. The master unit continuously updates the location of each user unit.

RAP--Rocket Assisted Projectile. A special munition which increases the range
of the M198 155MM howitzer to 30,000 meters.

RAS--Rear Area Security. A term to describe those actions by which a unit will
defend its rear areas from possible attack.

RPG--Rocket Propelled Grenade. A portable rocket launcher, firing an 85mm
projectile. The RPG is a close-in anti-armor weapon, capable of penetrating
330mmof armor.

SR!G--Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Intelligence Group.

SWATG--Southwest Asia Training Group.    A specially constituted group of
officers and enlisted Marines from the I! MEF Wargaming Center. This group
had the mission of providing specific training for the units of the 2d Marine
Division and for the mobilized reservists arriving at Camp Lejeune. Later, some
members of the SWATG arrived in Saudi Arabia to prepare the division's
reservists for demobilization.

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