94                                  U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

ComUSNavCent--United States Naval Forces Central Command, a component
of CentCom.

CP--Command Post.

DMAC--Division Mechanized Assault Course. This was the specially constructed
course in Saudi Arabia on which the division's elements practiced techniques of
assaulting and breaching the Iraqi defensive lines.

DP!CM--Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions. An artillery round
designed to be effective against both troops and hardened targets.

EPAC--Fastern Province Area Command. The Saudi Arabian Army command
bordering on the east of MarCent.

EPW--Enemy Prisoner of War. This designation was used to differentiate enemy
prisoners from friendly troops captured by the enemy.

Frag--A "fragmentary order," one containing only the essential information to
ensure  proper fulfillment of the mission. Its short form      allows  quicker
preparation and faster dissemination. It can be delivered verbally or in writing.

FSCC--Fire Support Coordination Center.

OCE--Ground Combat Element. See MEF, below.

GPS--Global Positioning System. A satellite navigation system providing highly
accurate, continuous three-dimensional positioning for a using unit. This system
allowed U.S. forces to maneuver quickly across the featureless desert terrain.

H2S--Hydrogen Sulfide Gas. A highly toxic gas often present in oil fields.

HEMTT--lleavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck. Generically a truck family,
used to carry large-capacity loads at highway speeds with e~cellent overland
mobility. Key materiel for the deployment of large armored forces.

HMMWV--High Mobility Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle. Made in a variety
of configurations, these vehicles have replaced the "jeep."  They carry troops
and light cargo, and can be armed with TOW missiles or machine guns.

JFCN--Joint Forces Command North. The joint command for the Arab Coalition
forces operating on the 2d Marine Division's western boundary.

KiA--Killed In Action

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