90                                U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

          1st Battalion, 3d Fielj Artillery
     Lieutenant Colonel James R. Kerin, USA
         5O2d Forward Support Battalion
    Lieutenant Colonel Coy R. Scroggins, USA
              142d Signal Battalion
   Lieutenant Colonel Henry C. Cobb, Jr., USA
      Battery A, 92d Field Artillery (MLRS)
         Captain Edward L. Hughes, USA
           Company A, 17th Engineers
            Captain Craig Wells, USA
Company B, 4th Battalion, 5th Air Deftnse Artillery
          Captain Charles D. Watt, USA

   Headquarters Battalion, 2d Marine Division
           Colonel Roger C. McElraft
         2d Assault Amphibian Battalion
      Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Williams
         2d Combat Engineer Battalion
      Lieutenant Colonel John D. Winchester
      2d Light Armored Infantry Battalion
      Lieutenant Colonel Keith T. llolcomb
          2d Reconnaissance Battalion
      Lieutenant Colonel Scott W. McKenzie
               2d Tank Battalion
         Lieutenant Colonel Cesare Cardi
               8th Tank Battalion
     Lieutenant Colonel Michael D. Cavallaro

               GENERAL STAFF
                  Chief of Staff
           Colonel James K. Van Riper
                 Staff Secretary
             Major David L. Kidwell
           Assistant Chief of Staff G-1
       Lieutenant Colonel Mary K. Lowery
           Assistant Chief of Staff G-2
     Lieutenant Colonel Christopher J. Gregor
           Assistant Chief of Staff G-3
           Colonel Ronald G. Richard
           Assistant Chief of Staff G-4
           Colonel Morris 0. Fletcher
           Assistant Chief of Staff G-6
           Colonel Sepp D. Ramsperger
             Division Sergeant Major
      Sergeant Major Ronald A. Chamberlain

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