82                                U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

                           The First Skirmish

    Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section was derived from:
Mroczkowski Jnl, and the 2d Marine Division COC Watch Officer's Journal,
hereafter 2d MarDiv COC Jnl.

75. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (2110) 29Jan91.
76. Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
77. CG 2d MarDiv msg to CG IMEF FWD, "Ground OPSUMiSequence of
Events 29-30Jan91," dtd 301259 Jan91.
78. Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
79. 2d MarDiv COC JnI, (2316) 29Jan91.
80. Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
81. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (2341) 29Jan91.
82. Ibid., (2356) 29Jan91.
83. CG 2d MarDiv msg to CG I MEF FWD, "Ground OPSUM/sequence of
Events 29-30 Jan91," dtd 301259 Jan91.
84. Ibid; also Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
83. Ibid.
86. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (0220) 30Jan91.
87. Ibid.
88. Mroczkowski-Jnl, 30Jan91.
89. CG 2d MarDiv msg to CG I MEF FWD, "Ground OPSUM/Sequence of
Events 29-30Jan91," dtd 301259 Jan91.
90. CG 2d MarDiv FragO 8-91, "Operation Desert Shield," (sic) dtd 30Jan91.
91. Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
92. 2d MarDiv COC Jnl, (2032) 30Jan91.
93. Mroczkowski Jnl, 30Jan91.
94. Ibid.

                  Development of the Operations Plan

    Unless otherwise noted, the material in this section is derived from:
Mroczkowski Jnl; LtCol Shores battlefield journal, hereafter Shores Jnl; oral
history interview with MajGen William M. Keys,   16May91, (OralHistColl,
MCHC, Washington, D.C.), hereafter Keys intvw; telephone conversations with
the author, LtCol  Michael D, Cavallaro,  11Oct91, and  LtCol Robert L.
Williams, 16Dec91, hereafter Cavallaro telcon and Williams telcon; LtCol L.
S.  Asadoorian, "Division Fire Plan For Offensive Operations, 24Feb91,"
memorandum    dtd  28Mar91,  hereafter  Asadoorian memo;   LtCol  Mark
Swanstrom, "2d Marine Division Breach Operations During Desert Storm,"
undated engineer report, hereafter Swanstrom rpt.

95. CG USMarCent, "Operation Plan Desert Storm," 1Jan91.

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