Table 3-12-Proportion of Primary Diagnoses in the Category
of Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions Among
3,239 CCEP Participants

Diagnosis                                Percent    
(ICD-9-CM Codes 780-799)                (N=3,239)   

Malaise and fatigue                         27      

Sleep disturbances                          18      

Headache                                    15      

Other general symptoms*                      9      
Dyspnea and painful respirations             6      
Rash                                         5      

Syncope, seizures, and vertigo               3      
Other chest pain                             2      

Abdominal pain                               1      

Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin test      1      
Cough                                        1      

Other general symptoms                      12      

a Nearly everything coded under "other general symptoms" are reported problems with memory.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Defense, Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program for Persian Gulf War Veterans: CCEP Report on 18,598 Participants (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Defense, 1996).