File: 102996_sep96_decls9_0010.txt
Page: 0010
Total Pages: 11

Subject: CMD CHRONOLOGY 16 28 FEB 91  7 MAR 91                           

Unit: 1ST 12TH MAR

Parent Organization: 11TH MARINES

Box ID: BX600025

Folder Title: COMMAND CHRONOLOGY 1ST BATTALION 12TH MARINE REGIMENT JAN - FEB 1991                            

Document Number:         12

Folder SEQ  #:          6


                                      checkfirings, EOM.
                             1503:    Fire missions: FFE (DNL)
                                       CF7103 877065 1 RAP C 1/12
                                       CF7104 892080 1 RAP A 1/12
                                       CF7105 885095 1 RAP A 1/12
                             1512:    Recv'd non-Btandard mission from Ilth Marines;
                                      DS TF Taro/X-Ray, answers calls for fire from
                                      TF Grizzly.
                             1520:    A 1/12 Detached from 1/12 and dedicated to TF
                             1549:    3rd Marines taking approximately 200 POWs.
                             1623:    CFL 4 in effect; CFL 3 cancelled.
                             1710:    TF Taro reports incoming at 074871.
                             1804:    A 1/12 reports gas, currently in MOPP 4.
                             1826:    A 1/12 fire cap one gun up 795957 AOF 5600.
                             1848:    Jump FDC reports all clear; A 1/12 256 pending.
                             1912:    3/11 reports gas.
                             1955:    Ilth Marines S-2 advises that the 6th Armor
                                      division has been ordered to retake AL-JABER
                             2000:    Ilth Marines passes minimum MOPP 2.
                             2024:    A 1/12 firecap 8 guns up.
                             2145:    X-Ray LNO reorts CAAT team 'Bedrock" has an
                                      Iraqi battalion surrounded.
                             2146-    X-Ray LNO reports CAAT team "Bedrock" has
                                      taken 6-10 EPWS; Reports of bn-sized force was
                             2150:    EPWs grid: 922927.
                  2309:    C Btry reports plt sized force under
                                      observation, vic 865845; originally moving W-E
                                      now stationary; checking with 2/3 and 3rd Mar
                             2341:    2/3 reports no friendlies at 865845. They
                                      will send patrol to investigate.
            26 Feb 1991      0018:    2/3 holds patrol until C 1/12 checks
                                      situation; 2/3 TOWs reports taking 11 EPWs
                             0115:    Fire mission: X-Ray LNO, suppression, CA2007,
                                      suspected D-30 unit; Fire order C 1/12 2 VT.
                             0122,    Shot, CA2007 (C speedshifted).
                             0124-    Rounds complete, EOM CA2007; X-Ray requesting
                                      RPV to assess BDA.
                             0136-.   C 1/12 reports movement to their front was
                                      their own security.
                             0150-    RFL-1 cancelled by 3rd Marines FSCC.
                             022E):   TF Ripper Fox vehicle reports lewisite vapor.
                             0445,    NBC 1 report received: 824999, blister agent.
                             0446-.   1/11 reports negative chem results on M256kit.
                             0520:    FSCL5: TNI70410-QT770410, eff 260830C.
                             0530:    A CFL will be established QT780410-
                                      QT860320-QT905316 effective 260830C
                             070E):   Fire mission: FFE TMI18945, 3 armored
                                      vehicles. CF7106.
                             0701:    Shot CF7106; EOM, vehicles already destroyed.
                             1E)58:   Received warning order to CO: Be prepared to
                                      move to MEF OBJ C. (Kuwait International


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